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Rules and Regulations


  • On admission, every student must obtain an Identity Card which will be provided by the Administration Office. Students must always wear/display their identity card when on the Institute premises. Students need to submit their identity card for checking/inspection to college authorities when requested. Faculty members or their representatives have the authority to collect the student identity cards in case of indiscipline or /late coming
  • It is mandatory for students to attend all lectures in college. Selective attendance of lectures is not an option at SFIHM, Mumbai.
  • Students are not permitted to loiter in the Institute premises while classes are in progress. This includes circumstances such as a class finishing ahead of scheduled time, the absence of a lecturer, being disallowed for a lecture or other similar reasons. Students are obliged not to disturb other classes or colleges within the building premises. Recreational facilities are off limits to students during academic hours.
  • No society or union shall be formed in the Institute and no person would be invited to address a meeting or tour the property without the prior permission of the Director/ Principal.
  • Meetings arranged among the students themselves in the Institute, have to be presided over by a responsible person and the agenda of such meetings must be previously approved by the Director/ Principal.
  • Students shall not undertake outdoor catering orders nor attend outdoor catering waiting for assignments in their private capacity during the tenure of their study at the Institute without the written permission from the Principal. Strict action is liable against students who indulge in this practice
  • Norms and rules concerning detaining, promotion, passing, ATKT and failing of students are as per the regulations laid down by the NCHMCT. This includes not allowing a student to appear for examinations in the event of (I) not attaining the minimum attendance for the year/semester (ii) outstanding fees and other dues (iii) poor conduct (iv) Non submission of coursework such as journals and assignments.
  • No justifications, defences, pretexts or explanations (including medical reasons) shall be accepted if a student fails to appear for internal assessments and evaluations. Such absenteeism or its consequences may preclude the student from qualifying to appear for the final examination of a particular year/semester.
  • Although the college assumes the safety of the student while on the Institute premises, the management will not be held responsible for any accident that may befall any student. In case of any such incident, the college shall take all steps to ensure speedy administration of first aid or medical help for the student at the premises or at a nearby hospital. Such charges would have to be eventually reimbursed by the student to the college.
  • If any of the statements made or any information supplied in connection with a candidate’s admission is at any time, found to be false or incorrect, such a candidate shall not be considered for admission and if already admitted, his/her admission shall be cancelled, fees forfeited and he/she may be expelled from the institute by the Director/ Principal.
  • It is mandatory for all students to read the notices displayed on all notice boards in the institute on a daily basis
  • On admission, the candidates shall be governed by all the Rules of the Institute intended for students.
  • The Institute reserves the right to amend, add or cancel any of the above rules if it deems necessary. Matters not covered in the existing rules will rest at the discretion of the Director/ Principal whose decision shall be absolute, final and binding.
  • Violation of any of the rules regulations and guidelines listed above are liable for penal action that would be decided as per the severity of such a contravention
  • The college maintains student records in as much detail as practical. These documentations relate to the academic record and progress of the students, attendance reports, opinions/comments of faculty, any breaches of discipline, infractions of rules, misdemeanours, confiscations of property, misconduct and violations of rules, systems and procedures in addition to meritorious acts, laudable performance, praiseworthy contributions, appreciations and commendations earned during their tenure at SFIHM, Mumbai. Further, these records may be used by the institute to prioritize internship placement in the second year, recommending students for jobs during campus interviews in the final year and while complying with employment reference checks or requests by students for letters of recommendation.
  • Theft and pilferage: Any theft of college property or property belonging to any other student within the education complex shall be viewed as a major transgression and treated with utmost gravity. Such theft might be cash, goods, software, information or consumable supplies of which you are not the owner and will be subject to the disciplinary action according to the severity of the deed. The rule extends to cover the consumption of any raw material (food or beverage ingredients) intended for food/beverage preparation in any food production or service area or any finished food or beverage product made by you or any other student, without the express permission or sanction of the lecturer/instructor.
  • Loss of cash or monetary equivalents, uniforms and other personal property of a student including journals, textbooks, files, assignments, electronic items (including mobile phones, laptops and similar) whether allowed or expressly disallowed by the Institute shall not be the responsibility of the college authorities. Students are required to look after their own belongings that they bring to the college.
  • Non-compliance with rules of the Institute can be penalized by the imposition of fines and/or appropriate disciplinary action as the management deems fit.


  • Students must not attend classes other than their own without the express permission of the lecturers concerned.
  • It is compulsory for students to attend theory and practical classes, demonstrations and functions even when these are scheduled before or beyond regular Institute hours, within or outside the Institute premises irrespective of holidays and off days. These include field visits, educational tours, indoor and outdoor catering assignments and college functions arranged by the Institute.
  • Students are obliged to submit assignments/projects/reports/term work by or before the stipulated due date and appear for all examinations/tests/evaluations. Remaining absent for academic assessments, co-curricular and extracurricular activities without prior permission of the Principal, will lead to a loss of marks in evaluation.
  • Students must never change into or out of their uniforms in any place other than their designated locker rooms.

Attendance and Leave

  • Punctuality in every lecture is expected of students and is the hallmark of a hospitality professional. Students must be present in their respective classrooms before commencement of a lecture.
  • Attendance in all lectures, practical’s, tutorials, tests, internal assessment and examination is compulsory. According to ordinances a minimum of 75% attendance in each subject of for Term I and Term II separately is compulsory.
  • Absence from college or college activities without pre-sanctioned leave (as per due procedure) is considered, as a breach of discipline. Unauthorized leave is liable for monetary fines. As per general leave policy, no leave will be granted except in case of illness or crisis. Permission must be obtained from the Principal or other assigned staff member who will review the application of leave and make a decision based on the past records of the individual and present exigency.
  • Absence due to ill health must be informed to the designated person (for notification) before 10 am on the first day of such illness. Such information may be telephonically communicated by the student or his/her parent/guardian. In case of sickness/illness extending to more than one day, the student must keep the Institute informed from time to time. During such absence, students are advised to keep abreast of academic progress in the college through their friends. On recommencing, an authentic medical certificate endorsed by a competent doctor must be submitted for the record if such medical leave is three days or more.
  • No student may leave the Institute premises during working hours without written permission/gate pass from the Principal or other assigned staff member. Breach of this rule is liable to disciplinary action.

Social Media

  • Anyone using/ Copying/Reproducing fake profile of Teachers / Principal/ Management, SFIHM, Mumbai logo or name is a legal offence.
  • Any prank message circulation on Social networking site / Messenger Service / Print Media related with SFIHM activities is a legal offence and due legal action will be taken against the person.
  • Without prior written permission from the authorities no one is supposed to create any confession page / any group page that bears SFIHM name and logo.
  • Students are advised to be cautious before posting any Comments, like, on social networking site.

Rules of Conduct

  • The conduct of the student should be exemplary at all times – while on the premises of the Institute and in its vicinity, during industrial training and in any situations and circumstances that the student represents the institute voluntarily or involuntarily.
  • Possession or use/consumption of alcohol or drugs is banned on the Institute premises and substance abuse of any kind shall result in immediate expulsion of the concerned student(s).
  • Smoking and the use of tobacco in any form is strictly prohibited anywhere on the college campus
  • Students shall not carry/bring anything inside the Institute that will in any way interfere with its orderly administration and discipline or serve to be a source of unnecessary distraction. This includes personal music systems, video games etc.
  • Students are required to handle and take proper care of the assets of the Institute and help to keep it neat and tidy. Any damage to the property of the Institute by way of defacing walls, wilfully disfiguring/damaging/breaking furniture, fixture, fittings, and equipment will be viewed as a serious breach of discipline. Those held responsible shall be duly penalized and the cost of the damages or replacements shall be recovered from them.
  • If in the opinion of the Director/ Principal, the continuance of a student is for any reason, detrimental to the interest of the Institute or to the students therein, the Director/ Principal may dismiss such student from the Institute. This decision of the Director/ Principal shall be final and binding on the student.
  • Sitting on parapet walls, lolling on staircases and leaning over staircase landing barriers is strictly forbidden. These can result in serious accidents for which the institute does not take any blame.
  • The penalty for ragging: Whoever directly or indirectly commits, participates in, abets or propagates ragging within or outside any educational institution shall, on conviction, be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend up to two years and shall also be liable to a fine which may extend up to ten thousand rupees.
  • SFIHM, Mumbai employs a three memo system to record major, serious and significant offences and violations of discipline. If a student’s explanation about an act of indiscipline is unsatisfactory, insufficient or inadequate he/she shall be issued with a memo. It must be understood that three such memos shall result in termination of a student from the college.
  • Canteen food must be consumed in the premises of the canteen itself and must not be consumed wandering around the institute premises. Students may not sneak/carry food to the classrooms or other places. If a student, for any reason, has to consume his/her own food from home, it shall be done only in the students’ dining room.
  • Students are requested to desist from unruly behaviour at all times while within the Institute premises or beyond when entrusted with the responsibility of representing or functioning on behalf of the Institute. A hospitality professional exhibits gracious behaviour and is in command of his/her emotions at all times. Please do not get into physical fights with other students.
  • If offended by another person or you senses the onset of possible conflict or hostility please bring it to the immediate attention of a faculty member so that such an incident and its consequences may be curtailed. If such situations occur beyond the college or at times that the Institute is not operational, please act in a manner that will not aggravate the situation, provoke ramifications nor tarnish the good name of the college. It is not necessarily smart nor a show of bravado to respond physically to an adverse situation – is it smarter to get out of such situations and smarter still to avoid them!
  • Students must refrain from using abusive language in and around the Institute. The use of foul language demonstrates lack of self-restraint and limited verbal ability. We implore you to speak English at all times when communicating within the Institute – this can be extremely beneficial to you in the long run, this being the language of the international hospitality industry
  • Students are expressly prohibited from working in any capacity at outdoor catering assignments conducted by private caterers or hotels/restaurants, apart from those approved and routed through the college management
Note: Students are advised to visit NCHMCT/Institute website for complete regulations framed by NCHMCT.